I have so many ladies ask about detox diets and whether they are safe or not....I just had to add this quote that I found in a magazine recently.
"Not surprisingly, doctors advise against all-liquid diets because they provide so few calories and nutrients, you run the risk of everything from fainting spells to dehydration. As for claims that such lans flush out your system? 'Ridiculous,' says weight-loss doctor Jana Klauer, M.D. 'Our liver and kidneys take care of that just fine." Moreover, by cutting protein from your diet you lose muscle mass, which may lead to short-term weight loss but also ends up slowing your metabolism. Your best bet if you simply must have quick results; a detox plan that includes some real foods, like fruits, veggies and whole grains. "--People magazine March 09
I have researched plenty of weight loss programs and at Silk Touch we recommend the Take Shape For Life program. You can lose weight quickly with meal replacements but get all the vitamins and nutrients you need without risking loss of muscle tone. Dr. Kerr and I do not recommend detox diets of any kind. The body needs fuel to work properly.